Audio & Video

Audio Editing

The audio is the application of recording the sounds. When l take the audio, l only use the telephone to record. Because the audio recording, it is quite easy for me to teach the printing of  apple. When l use the audio, l prepare something that l will teach ahead of recording. But what the challenge is that l cannot control the correct time, so l try 2 times to record. It is clear to be listened by students. The whole step is that at the begining, l design what my taught and whatever l would like to say. After  constructing the frame, l write the outline that l will speak. Later, l start to record. the first time is so intermittent,so l try another.

Here is my audio.

Video Creation


Meanwhile, l think it is convenient to use my friend’s phone to record the video at the same time. The video is the application of not only images but also sounds. l think, compared audio, video is a bit difficult but it is lively as well. Because when you are recording, it is impossible to have a long time pause. So it is quite a challenge. Of course, l design the things in my mind, then l make the practice before the recording. In the recording, first, l introduce myself, then l write the paper about the teaching content and the tools we need. Later,  I teach through the video by printing step by step.

Here is my video.

I think in my future class, l will use audio and video together to record my teaching lesson. It is continuous for children to see and learn. Especially the video, because children are sensitive about the moving things, so it is interesting and exciting for them to be curious about that. What’s more, the video is not long, children can be attracted the attention through all the video. In addition, it is easy and vivid for them to according the video do the steps by themselves.





2 thoughts on “Audio & Video

  1. Well, I think each title of your blogs should be like Day 1, Day 2, etc. Because writing in this format is much clearer. If you revise them later, maybe you will attract more visitors. I really enjoy reading your words


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