Course Reflection

My learning experiences

Today is the last day of this class—Technology in Inclusive Early Childhood Environments. I think, in these days, l have learned a lot of technologies. Through the class, l gradually learn the skills about how to design, sign in, and do various work in the different websites or apps. When we walk out the class, we should have learned is not just the better score, but the skill and ability to learn the new things more autonomous. In addition, l should be more careful and patient for the small details.

Three tools l like most and why

I prefer to use ClassDojo, Padlet and Video Creation in my teaching. For the first one l like is for its direct to show the score of every student, it can not only make me record their scores and give them praise or punish through add or decrease the scores but also let students see their scores clearly for improving their behavior or learning well. The second one, l like, because it is better to display both words and pictures, which makes the class more colorful. As for the third one —Video Creation, l prefer it for vivid feature. Video attracts children attention in class, especially when they lose their interest.

Three tools l may not use and why

Although l really like the blog, it is not suitable for teaching in the class. Because the blog gives priority to the words, so it counts against students to read too much. The second one l do not use in class is audio. Because it is not clear enough, audio is less helpful for students to listen, especially for kindergarten children. The third tool is the survey. It should be down before the class, and it is not important for class teaching. Survey is also the investigation to understand the general situation.

Three things that helped me understand the course content and learn better during our group work

The tools help me understand the course content and learn better during my group work are WeChat, Lesson Plan, and group website. Almost all the time, we use WeChat to communicate with others, so it is really convenient for us to use it. Therefore, we will discuss something in our WeChat group even if we do not stay together. Lesson Plan can makes me know who do every part. What’s more, our website is painstaking effort of the whole group. We write the assignment, survey, information and put them together on that.

Three things that l felt should be avoided or improved for group work

Our group is very united and all members are hard-working. The challenge for our group is just the distance of us have a long distance because the computer behind them is broken, so my friend and l, two people, have to sit the other side, so we should make the chance to communicate face to face, which decreases the time for WeChat discussion. And what it should be improved for our group is that we are supposed to make more ideas of our own, not almost of thoughts comes from the leader. In addition, we also should have courage to speak ahead of all the people in the class.

My strong and weak points in this class

This class leaves me the deepest impression for the teacher said one sentence. “What you really lack are creativity and adaptive faculty. They are the difference between you and America.” Yes, it is true, and almost all the teachers say us, even say all the Chinese students. Due to the education, Chinese students are used to know what teachers gives the work and just to finish them. I think what l as a Chinese person lack seriously is the thought. I only do that, not to think deeply and make a conclusion. And I lack of the creativities. Therefore, l should do first is to think more and contact with as many new things as possible, and make sense of how to operate them better and fast. Then, practice more and more. Meanwhile, my strong point is my persistence. So, l believe in the future, when l go to America, l will perfect better and have the stronger skills abilities.



Three New Technologies

Online Questionnaire, Worksheet, and Quizzes

The advantages of using polleverywhere are that it is obvious to show the number of voting, it can respect other people’s privacy, not disclose the name. But it’s also the problem. Because its unregistered, some people just vote the tickets casually, which makes the vote not fair. The second is testmoz, and teacher can according to the class to design the questions, then lets students to do the test, which includes the Multiple choice, Multiple response, Fill in the blanks and TURE or FAUSE. After students finish, teacher are able to see the result of their test. The third is wenjuanxing, it is better to do the survey, make the assessment, have the test, and so on. Compared with two above, Wenjuanxing is a comprehensive website. However, its disadvantage is not very direct to do one targeted thing.

There are lots of categories in the wenjuanxing, including survey, test, vote and so on. After the class, l will make every part of wenjuanxing by myself, which makes know more unexpected thing through other students to introduce. What l do is the assessment of 5 people. First of all, l don’t know how to do that because it is a new technology to me. I ask teacher and classmate for the question. In fact, it is a bit confused, even if once we had made the assessment for our teachers. But at that time, l just assessed, not make the questions. Later, the more exposure, the more quick l do.

We can use testmoz at five minutes before class to test students whether they have the great lesson in the class. Meanwhile, we can use wenjuanxing or polleverywhere to make the vote in the class when there are some choices that students like better to choose.

The standard of ISTE, I think, is Model digital age work and learning as well. Teacher can make the survey, test, vote before the class, then in the class, teacher can provide students to do these in order to know how much knowledge they learn and give the in time reflection of the class. Meanwhile, the teacher can see the result of these very clear and directed. Even, if a teacher is very familiar about the technology, it is helpful for them to understand any other things like make a timer or send the red packets.

Here is My Rubric.

Here is My Test.

Here are Assessments—Yuxiao Wang

Jiayuan Wei

Jia Xu

Hui Sun

Yu Pan







Digital Story

Video Editing

Digital Story is to use the technology to create video and edit audio for narrating the story which is more vivid and directed, so it can be used in the classroom, especially for the students when they are tired to learn books. Digital Story are able to help students organize and express their thought and knowledge in their own mind. Meanwhile, it can increased social skills for children with disabilities. What’s more,  Digital Story can create real life situations in an easy and cheaper way, it can through the technology just make a video and publish it to tell others the story for free almost of time. It’s the most increasing part is to provide more variation than traditional in current practice.  Therefore, Digital Story is used very widely.

Today,we at the same way to use the telephone to record the our ideas about this class. Compared with the last day, my friend and l are quite familiar with the operation, so we do this video which makes us not spend a long time. What we have to do first is that we discuss what we will speak in the video but not repeat. Then, everyone clears the goals, we do our own video. Later, we download the Final cut to cut some of them. Because it is a new technology for me to use, so in the beginning, l am confused about it. Finally, l search the baidu to know how to use step by step.

So, what l through my experience would like to suggest them is to learn more technologies or APPs as possible, it can help you fast and better to edit the video, and make the story more interseting as you can.

The audio and video projects meet ISTE standard is —Model digital age work and learning.  Teacher can play the video to show children the story in order to attract their attention and increased reading comprehension. Letting them contact with the more and more new things. Teacher use audio and video to teach students and children learn from these. It is beneficial for students to contact with the technology in the school.

Here is my Class Reflection.






Audio & Video

Audio Editing

The audio is the application of recording the sounds. When l take the audio, l only use the telephone to record. Because the audio recording, it is quite easy for me to teach the printing of  apple. When l use the audio, l prepare something that l will teach ahead of recording. But what the challenge is that l cannot control the correct time, so l try 2 times to record. It is clear to be listened by students. The whole step is that at the begining, l design what my taught and whatever l would like to say. After  constructing the frame, l write the outline that l will speak. Later, l start to record. the first time is so intermittent,so l try another.

Here is my audio.

Video Creation


Meanwhile, l think it is convenient to use my friend’s phone to record the video at the same time. The video is the application of not only images but also sounds. l think, compared audio, video is a bit difficult but it is lively as well. Because when you are recording, it is impossible to have a long time pause. So it is quite a challenge. Of course, l design the things in my mind, then l make the practice before the recording. In the recording, first, l introduce myself, then l write the paper about the teaching content and the tools we need. Later,  I teach through the video by printing step by step.

Here is my video.

I think in my future class, l will use audio and video together to record my teaching lesson. It is continuous for children to see and learn. Especially the video, because children are sensitive about the moving things, so it is interesting and exciting for them to be curious about that. What’s more, the video is not long, children can be attracted the attention through all the video. In addition, it is easy and vivid for them to according the video do the steps by themselves.





Create a Website

Website Design

The web page l think is public that if it is allowed, it can be open by all the people. And it can be used to make the website. Meanwhile, it can includes PPT, Video and other things. However, the document page is often to write articles, so it is quite private.

A website can be convenient for us to search something, it has the link so you can open it on the computer, and it function is various. Although it is published on the internet, so it is quite a lot difficult for writers to change. And it is published, more and more people can be search, so it should not be disordered. Therefore, it is supposed to plan site with a storyboard ahead of time.

Doing the project makes me about the new skill—how to create a new website. Because my part of the whole project is to write the Course Objective that is quite simple, so l do another work—create a website—belongs to us. But according to teacher’s said, some steps not display, l try all my way to make it, but it doesn’t work. Later, when l ask my partner to help, finally she solves my problem. The project tests us is our ability to work in a team, how to communicate, how to cooperate, how to put our parts together. Although it exists a bit difficult, we still have the courage and confidence of knowing friends around us to do the better. All of us are very persistent, hard-working, and patient.

This corresponds to one of the ISTE standard—Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. As teachers, we design our website, including doing the Padlet, searching the other website, finding the good and helpful materials. In the classroom, we can use the website we design properly, making students understand the related knowledge better and fun.

This is our website.


ClassDojo & Padlet

My experience with class management software: ClassDojo

classdj    The first time when l search the ClassDojo, l think the characters are so cute.

ClassDojo is a website that can be teachers used, children used, or professors used. What it interests me most is that it has a lot of the small videos. And it can display the students’ scores intuitionally. Even it contains timer that you can design which time you want, story which as a teacher you can write something about students or class everyday, Toolkit and so on.  Meanwhile,  it can at the same time to choose all the students and give them add or decrease scores.

I think they are good at practicing my English and they are obvious to attract students’ attention to watch a small story, even at the end of the videos, they include one question. It is wise for makers to add the question because it can improve students to think more, and they will have their own ideas. The project will let students enhance their efficiency about the class and have the spirit of enterprising.

Nowadays, almost all the classrooms have the televisions, so l will use the ClassDojo on the TV that lets all the students to see the videos and their own scores. Every morning, l will put the score page ahead and clear all the scores. Then, according to everyone’s behavior to Increase or decrease 1-3 scores which every part of the item can give or loss the different scores. What’s more, at noon—after finishing the lunch and before the sleep, l will get them to see one video. Asking them to think the question and discuss. After they wake up, we can have a share.

It is connected with this standard—Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Because the scoring, every student may have the sense of honor that they would like to be the best one, so they take action to better, including learning, behavior, persistence, teamwork, attendance  and so on, which adjusts to this standard. In addition, it shares many videos that attract students’ more attention on learning, and improve their eyes, ears, and brains. At last, students are able to have communication with others to share their ideas.

Here is my ClassDojo—



Integrating electronic white board in classroom teaching


Padlet is like the Blog, and it can publish an article, write the thought you have or read others’ ideas and give or receive the comments.

Almost of templates and samples of padlet are provided, and what you should do is just to choose the picture you like. Certainly, it is easy and convenient for the lazy people like me to do, and if you don’t like these ready-made pictures, you, of course, are able to use your own liked one. In the Padlet, l can not only write my own articles but also read others’, which is good for having more fresh ideas and give the comments no matter courage or criticism to others.

l will use it to choose the better one everyday and give students to see the small easy article or the video to see, which can be regarded as the materials l make the class.

It is connected with this standard—Model digital age work and learning. Teachers can use the Padlet to show the articles, music, videos to students. Letting them contact with the more and more new things, not only comes from their teacher. And if there is a good communication between teachers and parents of allowing to publish the children’s dynamics, teachers can take the photos of children everyday, then teachers put the pictures on the Padlet or write something in order that parents are able to know their kids’ behavior in the classroom. What’s more, teachers and parents can have the comments to contact on Padlet as well.

Following the picture is my Padlet—




Flipped classroom

My understanding on the flipped classroom

In my opinion, flipped classroom model is a method that students can stay at home to learn something and discuss or in the classroom, teachers can also provide students with the time and space to watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions. As a 20 years old student, l have the controlled ability to limit myself not use this previous time to do other things that aren’t necessary to the class. Therefore, it is better for my professors to give me this method for understanding knowledge easily and freely no matter where or when it is. However, the children’s controlled abilities are not very good. So, if l teach a class, l would like to make the chance for using this method. Because, it is convenient and easy for students to learn the lesson by themselves through the flipped classroom. Their behaviors may be active to the class, and they are able to catch up with every step of drawing the fruit. What’s more, students are provided a lot of time to have interaction with others. But, it is just a theory. If many children don’t adapt this method, l will change another way.

Working experiences on creating a lesson plan with the flipped classroom teaching model

What l think the challenge of the lesson plan is that we are only students, so we have no experience, we just imagine these.We are excited about the team work—First, we think about what we want to make the project. Then, choose the one which we all think it is good and it is better to make the project. Allocating task and everyone has her own part. Finally, we put together after finishing our own one. Through the project, l not only know the importance of team work, but also understand the great influence of the flipped classroom.

There is our group Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Revise

My experiences on working on the survey

Although it seems like everything is smoothly, it still has something exist different ideas, especially the time of ten questions. We four people have different opinions. At last, we pick the best one we all think to make the survey. I think it is quite easy for me to use the tool. Because the model is fixed, what l should do is just think the questions, then according to the steps to finish. Not only does it gain a lot of information, but it also saves time. In the future, if l will make the survey, l will use this tool by using the computer to finish the survey.

These are the surveys—

Student survey

Parent survey








My first blog

My English name is Charlotte. I am a sophomore of major in early education in Tianhua collage.

I think my technology and English level is intermediate, not good and not bad. Because which apps l use often are QQ and Weichat. And l sometimes use taobao to buy whatever l need. As to English, l am good at writing. What’s more, the excel one for my writing is Grammar. Because in my high school the teacher emphasized on it. However, my English most vulnerable spot are listening, so I hope to have more opportunity to practice it. Luckily, Dr. Wang use English to give lessons almost all the time.

The reasons why teacher teaches us this class—Technology in Inclusive Early Childhood Environments are that this class encourages students often to think the great power of electricity in order to use the technology properly after the work of teaching. In addition, it lets students understand that how to teach children use the electronic products to play games which improve their imagination, manipulative ability, and thinking practice.