ClassDojo & Padlet

My experience with class management software: ClassDojo

classdj    The first time when l search the ClassDojo, l think the characters are so cute.

ClassDojo is a website that can be teachers used, children used, or professors used. What it interests me most is that it has a lot of the small videos. And it can display the students’ scores intuitionally. Even it contains timer that you can design which time you want, story which as a teacher you can write something about students or class everyday, Toolkit and so on.  Meanwhile,  it can at the same time to choose all the students and give them add or decrease scores.

I think they are good at practicing my English and they are obvious to attract students’ attention to watch a small story, even at the end of the videos, they include one question. It is wise for makers to add the question because it can improve students to think more, and they will have their own ideas. The project will let students enhance their efficiency about the class and have the spirit of enterprising.

Nowadays, almost all the classrooms have the televisions, so l will use the ClassDojo on the TV that lets all the students to see the videos and their own scores. Every morning, l will put the score page ahead and clear all the scores. Then, according to everyone’s behavior to Increase or decrease 1-3 scores which every part of the item can give or loss the different scores. What’s more, at noon—after finishing the lunch and before the sleep, l will get them to see one video. Asking them to think the question and discuss. After they wake up, we can have a share.

It is connected with this standard—Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Because the scoring, every student may have the sense of honor that they would like to be the best one, so they take action to better, including learning, behavior, persistence, teamwork, attendance  and so on, which adjusts to this standard. In addition, it shares many videos that attract students’ more attention on learning, and improve their eyes, ears, and brains. At last, students are able to have communication with others to share their ideas.

Here is my ClassDojo—



Integrating electronic white board in classroom teaching


Padlet is like the Blog, and it can publish an article, write the thought you have or read others’ ideas and give or receive the comments.

Almost of templates and samples of padlet are provided, and what you should do is just to choose the picture you like. Certainly, it is easy and convenient for the lazy people like me to do, and if you don’t like these ready-made pictures, you, of course, are able to use your own liked one. In the Padlet, l can not only write my own articles but also read others’, which is good for having more fresh ideas and give the comments no matter courage or criticism to others.

l will use it to choose the better one everyday and give students to see the small easy article or the video to see, which can be regarded as the materials l make the class.

It is connected with this standard—Model digital age work and learning. Teachers can use the Padlet to show the articles, music, videos to students. Letting them contact with the more and more new things, not only comes from their teacher. And if there is a good communication between teachers and parents of allowing to publish the children’s dynamics, teachers can take the photos of children everyday, then teachers put the pictures on the Padlet or write something in order that parents are able to know their kids’ behavior in the classroom. What’s more, teachers and parents can have the comments to contact on Padlet as well.

Following the picture is my Padlet—




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